A beautiful mixed yellow flowerbouquet with sunflowers.
Celebrate summer! Our flowerbouquet Charlie will bring sunshine into any home.
This bouquet is suitable for many occasions. To wish someone well, for a birthday, to say sorry, or just because!
On the next page you can add a matching vase, a chocolate gift, teddy bear, of other nice gifts. Don't forget to write a personal message for the recipient!
This bouquet contains Sunflower, Kamille, Hypericum, Gerbera.
Delivery note (DHL)
To ensure that the flowers arrive fresh at the recipient, they are delivered by DHL. Delivery time is 1-2 days.
We deliver fresh Dutch flowers.
No special delivery times or delivery instructions are possible at DHL.
For larger quantities we can provide a customized offer. Sending this product to an address list is possible. Please click the link below and fill out the form and we will send you an offer.
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